Easter was last Sunday and Sensei has hidden eggs around Club Penguin for us to find. At the end, when we find them, we get a prize! Here’s the cheats for today!

Easter Egg Hunt


To start out, click the Easter Egg in the right corner of the screen to see how many and what eggs you’ve found, and for hints!


The first egg is in the Town in the right light on the Night Club!


The second Easter egg is floating in the water by the rocks at the Cove!


The third Easter egg can be found at the Mine, roll your courser over the Mine Shaft and the egg will role out on a cart!


The fourth Easter egg is outside the Dojo, click the egg with the Chinese script on it to collect the fourth egg!


The fifth egg is hidden under the dark gray fuzzy hat in the Gift Shop, Click it to pop up the hat and collect the egg!


To find the sixth egg role your courser over the cooler to make dead fish appear along with the sixth egg!


The seventh egg is at the top of the Ski Hill, click the top of the pole (the tip of the egg) to make the egg jump up and collect it. Your almost done with the hunt!


Click the off switch on the Beacon to turn off the light and reveal the egg! Now collect that egg and claim your prize.



Figures, the Prize is the returned (and once rare) pink bunny ears.